Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wordless / Wordful Wednesday - Siblings

Wordless Wednesdays are hosted by 5 Minutes for Moms – please stop by their site to see more (and read less!).

Mom Blogs

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And now some words ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I love that my kids get along.  Well, most of the time.  I hear them playing upstairs and I stop at the door to listen in.  Often I can’t figure out what they are playing, but they seem to know exactly what is happening next in the story line.  They each have their own dynamic with the other, and they each play with one another at different times in different ways.  They also know just how to push each other’s buttons.  They know what sets the other one off and find just the right moment for that little jab.  But like I said, most of the time they get along just fine. They play nice and are fairly gentle with the younger ones.


Most of the time.

You can find more Wordful Wednesday posts at Angie’s SeVeN cLoWn CirCuS.


Kristina P. said...

Well, these definitely look like some happy moments.

Liz Mays said...

So many smiles and happy times!

Brenda said...

Its a wonderful thing when our children get along. I love your pictures.

Claudya Martinez said...

Those are some cute faces you have surrounding you!