Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wordless / Wordful Wednesday - Homecoming

Mom Blogs

Wordless Wednesday is hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom – check them out for more!!




~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And now the wordful part! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

It’s Homecoming at our alma mater.  I plan on taking the kids to the homecoming parade (to see the band) and then a big “feed” (to hear the band).  Then we’ll take our sugared out kids home.  No tickets for the game, besides I wouldn’t take the kids just yet, they’re a little too restless.  They all recognize the team logo and can yell “Go Bison!” My husband and I met as part of the marching band.  Yes, we’re band geeks!!

Wordful Wednesdays are hosted by Angie at SeVeN cLoWn cIrCuS.  Please don’t forget to stop by her place!!

PS – It’s my mom’s birthday today.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!!!  I love you!


TheAtticGirl said...

Band geeks? lol My hubby and his sisters were band geeks too. I never really learned to play an instrument very well.

Happy Wednesday!

Jen said...

great photos and my hubby was in marching band too. ;)