Why I hope my kids' friends never google them. Eh, who am I kidding, they will. Enjoy...
Winter hat - check
Big Girl underpants - check
Map drawn on belly - check
Dora backpack - check
Shirt in washer - check
Pants, too big - gone
I'm ready for pizza.

A Thousand Word Thursday is hosted by TheMomJen at
Cheaper Than Therapy. Check out lots of other pictures there!!
That is the funniest picture! It made me snort!
This picture is AMAZING! So hilarious! What a lil character you have there! I love it...
I USUALLY keep my shirt on when I eat pizza, but mostly look like that when I eat! ;) HA!
It is our job to take photos like these! How fun!
too funny! I might try the hat next time I eat pizza, but I think for the sake of everyone else, I will keep my shirt on! Stopping by from ATWT.
Oh my gosh that picture is SO funny. I wonder if the hat and map makes the pizza taste better?
Thanks for my morning laugh!
HAHAHAHA!!!!! That is the best picture ever!
LOL!!! Funny stuff!
Well, that's quite the get-up!
and it really looks like it is bothering her:) super cute!
I love it when they KNOW when they look good! How cute!
That is funny! Our kids are not going to be happy with us when they are older and they realize what we have posted on the internet!
I'm jealous, I want to eat pizza like that! So comfy!! :)
Adorable photo!
Piper is such a funny kid! Thanks for sharing - this really brightened up my morning! =)
What a cute picture!
Love the hat! Too cute!
Too cute!
Now THAT is adorable!!!
I'm sure she'll LOVE that you shared that with the world when she's 16. ;-)
LOL mom this is one to keep for the future
I love when kids dress themselves! LOL! She is adorable!
Love it! Looks like something the Princess Nagger would totally do! :)
Happy ATWT! :)
Totally a picture to save for her wedding and throw into a photo collage :)
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