Sunday, April 26, 2009

Mini-Blogoversary Winners..

Hey, I only gave you overnight - so thanks to those who caught on! You were to find my fourth born's birthday AND let me know in the comments what you like to drink with your cookies!
JC was born on September 12, 2008. (I posted on the 14th.)
AND my favorite thing to have with cookies is MILK, until I learned how good a nice Gewürztraminer-Reisling wine is with them... mmm wine....

Um, anyway, the winner is........... Anissa!!

I'll e-mail you and let you know! Congrats!

SO, if you didn't get a chance to enter, you still have time to get in on the Custom Photo Pendant giveaway. Click HERE to read and enter. And don't forget to check out these:

Cole‘s Pendants


Kristina P. said...

I'm so sad that I missed this one!

Anonymous said...

Hey I sent you my address just wondering if you received it.