Friday, December 19, 2008

Fragment Friday - Hmm Hm Hmm Hmm to me!

Friday Fragments?

Fragment Friday - all the stuff too small for it's own post, too good to throw away!
You can see many more fragments at Half Past Kissin' Time!

"Happy Birthday to me, I'm one hundred and three,
I still go to pre-school, AANNND I miss my mommy"
"My mommy's at work, she married a jerk " (not really - it's just the song, mom!)
"She hired a monkey to do my homework!"

I learned that from a bunch of 1st graders last month. Appropriate for today I thought, since I'm 29 (for the fourth time) today!
I was actually giddy that we found AM's iPod this week. It ended up being in a spare backpack since the end of August. Santa was actually preparing to buy her a new one. The Easter bunny was quite disappointed, though, that the last one had not even made it a full year. Whew!!
When JC spits up, PM says "uh-oh DRIP!!" and gets freaked out
MD has been walking around the house lifting two 3lb hand weights with his shirt off. He'll pause every now and then to tuck his feet under the couch and do some crunches. He says he wants to get really strong and have square bumps on his belly.


kel said...

look at that little muscle man!

Jena9286 said...

What a riot!

Mrs4444 said...

That is the cutest thing ever (your little boy pumping iron).


Leanna said...

LOL... always scares me when they carry those things around... I worry about toes. And, usually it's mine. ;)

Leanna said...

Mel - Twitter - Yes, Yes,

You have the option to see the twitters as texts (?) on your cell phone too. And can turn it off if it becomes too much!

I also just sent you an invite for Google talk IM. I also am VERY attached to my internet! I have awesome friends around but finding the time (from both sides) is very complicated and far & few between. In blogland we can 'hook up' at each others convenience. I have made several awesome friendships here and am SO thankful I ventured into this world! I think it is hard for some to understand how blogging affects some of us. ;)