Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday Fragments – Week One

Gather up all those little thoughts and air them out for all to see read. It’s time for Friday Fragments, my weekly “spring cleaning” of the mind. If only real spring cleaning was so easy! Thanks to Mrs. 4444 at Half Past Kissing Time, we all get to share in the cleansing!

Friday Fragments?

  • We went ahead and purchased a family membership to the local pool for the summer. Now I just need to make sure they go at least 25 times to make it worth the cost!!! I am pretty certain that when I was a kid I was there every day they were open so I don’t think 25 days in an entire summer will be difficult.
  • Can you believe Michael Jackson is gone?? Seriously? I know he really went downhill this last decade or so, but I mean the King of Pop? Even with all that has transpired, he was an extremely talented musician. I used to have a big time crush on MJ. I still have a whole box of memorabilia my mom brought over to our house when they moved and cleaned out my old room. Hmmm, I guess I may have to visit e-bay this afternoon, I bet the market value has gone up.
  • I’ll be listing some new stuff on Etsy this afternoon, I’d love it if you all would drop by. ALSO… the reason I started really listing on Etsy was to HELP COLE. I have listed a Baseball themed Scrabble Tile Pendant that you can personalize. The proceeds go to help sweet little Cole go to a special care school and pay for necessary equipment. Any of you with special needs kids know how expensive things can get, even with good insurance. So, please, take a few minutes to check in on Cole and if you feel led, buy a pendant!! There is also a button on my sidebar that will take you directly to my shop on Etsy (if you REEAALLY want to help, e-mail me, I’ll send you the code for the same button for your blog!!)->->->
  • The kids and I have been making little cardboard houses for AM’s miniature cats to live in. I get to show off my prowess with craft paper and a hot glue gun, the kids get “new” toys. Even MD will play with the girls and live in the houses. They were upstairs for almost 2 hours on Tuesday just playing “kitties”. Ahhh, a little quality computer cleaning time!
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  • PM and MD love to push each other’s buttons. I know this is what it’s like for siblings, but they both seem to be particularly good at it. MD will say or do over and over again the one thing PM reacts to. PM on the other hand, finds that one thing that bugs MD and stores it in that little Rolodex of a brain she has and keeps that nugget for a time when he least expects it. She analyzes the situation, then accesses her file of things-that-bug-MD and pulls out of her arsenal something that will almost frustrate MD to tears.

  • We are almost done with Week One of PM’s CIT. Here’s today’s numbers:glove

# times asked for “pink off”: 1

# times MD got clobbered with cast: 0 (woohoo!)

# kitchen gloves mom bought for swimming: 2

# hours PM was in the wading pool: 2.5

# ounces of water in said kitchen glove and dripping out of cast later: maybe 1

# times mom kicked herself for taking PM to the pool: most of the evening!


Liz Mays said...

Your little cardboard houses are so cute! I'll bet you're having a ball making those!

Mrs4444 said...

The little furniture is adorable! Creative way to keep the kids busy :) Thank Heaven you have a pool to enjoy, too. I'm so glad Piper can still have fun!

Kiera said...

Thanks for stopping by our blog. Piper is adorable and I love all of the stats that you post about constraint. She seems to be doing so well with it!

I will be following your blog!