Thursday, May 28, 2009
A Thousand Words Thursday - Dandelions
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Wordless/Wordful Wednesday - Laundry
Wordless Wednesday is hosted by 5 Minutes for Mom. Drop by to see more (or less!).
~~~~~~~ And for the WORDFUL part~~~~~~~
I love this shot of JC just hanging all by himself in the yard. I feel like I'm sneaking through the bushes to see him... He likes to sit on the blanket and chill while I hang out laundry. He's usually so clingy that I can't set him down long enough to do dishes. Outside I think he has enough to hold his attention that I don't have to sling him on my hip the whole time. I am also loving that its finally nice enough to put laundry out on the line again!! I have a few cloth diapers I am testing out, so I expect to see those on the line a lot this summer. Who knew I'd be pumped about diapers?? I'll give the full report after I have a good trial with them, and I'm ready to buy!
You can read more Wordful Wednesday posts at SevEn cLoWn CirCuS!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
I Heart Faces - Silhouettes
I keep forgetting to post entries for I Heart Faces, so this week I'm getting it up on time. The theme is silhouettes, and I have this one from a wedding I did earlier this year.
Monday, May 25, 2009
First Weekend of "Summer"
Am - minus 3 teeth.
Happy Memorial Day. Thank you veterans, including my husband, who keep this country safe. I found these photos of my hubby in Afghanistan. Thought you'd be interested...

( ^ He's the grouchy one middle right! )
Presumably e-mailing me....ha ha!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Friday Fragments - Endings and Beginnings
Friday Fragments is brought to you by the lovely Mrs. 4444 at Half Past Kissin' Time. Please stop by!!
- This week is the last week of school for both MD and AM. MD is done with pre-school, AM with first grade. I can't believe I'll have two kids in full time school next year! They each had a party at their respective schools.
- AM had a Play Day, sort of a track and field day. She won three ribbons in different events. We all ended up getting a little sun burnt. It was so windy we didn't notice the sun, and being from the frozen north we haven't been outside in months, so it stands to reason we'd burn!
- MD's school had a Luau. We got to bring the little kids (AM was in her school) and play games, make our own lei's, paint cute hats, create our own pizza, and drink yummy yogurt/fruit smoothies.
- PM was fitted for her new AFO & UCB. She was unsure at first if this was all OK. I think when the ortho lady started putting on the cast material she thought we were going to leave it on! She felt better after the first one was cut off. She never squirmed or cried, but the look of concern on her face was pretty intense as she watched carefully. You can read more about it on PM's Caringbridge site.
- JC spent the better part of an afternoon in a paper bag. No, I didn't make him! He liked it! You can see by the teeth that it was a "costume" made by one of the kids!
- I have had an addiction to S'mores this week. Not the cereal or snack, but marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers. You can microwave the whole thing for a few seconds and have a warm gooey treat. OR, I sneak outside when hubby starts the grill to toast my marshmallow, without letting the kids know. I may require an intervention soon.
- I can't wait to visit all my relatives and friends this summer. Serious talks have begun on travel to Washington, Wisconsin and ..... Oklahoma? Hmmm........
- Let the summer begin!!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
A Thousand Words Thursday - Tea for Two

Thursday, May 14, 2009
A Thousand Words Thursday - Cheesey

As if we need to eat all these.
They stain your
There's also probably more preservatives than actual food ingredients.
And no, I didn't feed them to JC.
He just tasted graham crackers for the first time.
Cheesey-licious can wait.
At least a few months.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Wordless/Wordful Wednesday - little brother
Speaking of JC looking like the rest of the family... I dug up MD's 7 month photos, guess they might look alike, too!!
MD at seven months (in his scrapbook - which JC doesn't have yet!)
JC at 7 months. I dug out the same shirt!
More Wordful Wednesday at SevEn cLoWn CirCus
OR for those of you who feel less is more...
More Wordless Wednesday at 5 Minutes for Mom
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Who's Your Daddy?
I guess that's never really been a question, but here is the definitive answer. Grandma is holding JC, next to a photo of Daddy at the same age. At least we know what he'll look like when he grows up.
And because the cuteness does not stop...
Grandma and Cousin T (AM's twin?) with JC
Cousin B & JC
Monday, May 11, 2009
Not Me Monday - Teeth
Not Me! Monday is your chance to NOT admit all those things you DIDN'T do and live to tell about it. You can see more NOT ME! Monday at My Charming Kids.
Daddy and I DID NOT coerse our oldest child into pulling a tooth that had been asking for it all weekend.
This tooth was NOT driving me crazy and sticking out of her face for weeks. I DID NOT feel sort of embarassed for her.
Daddy DID NOT tie dental floss to it.
We DID NOT ignore lots of tears.
And certainly we DID NOT ignore the protests.
And when it wouldn't come out, we DID NOT make her walk around Sam's Club with dental floss hanging out of her mouth because the only way it was coming out was with that tooth! (and she DID NOT eat the samples while sporting said dental floss)
After a brave fight and one good tug......
The stubborn tooth DID NOT finally come out!
Oh, and the tooth fairy DID NOT forget to come after all that. Hope she makes up for it a day late.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Friday Fragments - Being famous(sorta)!
Yes, it's Friday. Time to do the laundry, and get all those little tidbits on the line. The undergarments of the week. Too small to wear all alone, but almost an outfit when you put them all together ;) You can see everyone else's underwear Fragments at Half Past Kissin' Time!
- We grilled and grilled again this week. It's finally nice enough up in these parts to be outside long enough to do it.
- The kids are outside! GO! PLAY! Ahhh.. 5 minutes of peace.
- I fed my hubby his very first s'more. (I know, seriously, what planet is he from anyway??)"Hmm, this is pretty good. I could see where these could be addictive." Seriously.
- I took 150 photos in two days, just for me. Of the kids. And some kabobs.
- What's this about being famous? Let me tell you:
- AM got a part in the Missoula Children's Theater play "Princess and the Pea" Grandma & Grandpa are coming up to see her. I'm really excited because last year she didn't get in and was pretty broken up over it.
- We made the cut for a photo project for our local newspaper called "A Mother's Love". It runs Sunday, of course, but there's a slide show up HERE already. We're slide 11 of 13. We will receive an 8x10!
- The photo shoot was the same day we bought the MOO-stache. Which MD is wearing right this minute.
- I made many Mother's Day photo pendants. You can still get them FOR YOU and also to benefit COLE's Special Care School or Make-a-Wish!!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
A Thousand Word Thursday - orange and pink
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Wordless/Wordful Wednesday - Idol Finalist
with a screaming baby?
Pick them up, nurture them, console them
ease their crying and
wipe their tears...
Not cool, mom. Seriously. Now pick me up.
More Wordful Wednesday at SevEn cLoWn CirCus
OR for those of you who feel less is more...
More Wordless Wednesday at 5 Minutes for Mom