Thursday, April 30, 2009
A Thousand Words Thursday - Primal Scream?
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I get a little restless..
Monday, April 27, 2009
I Heart Faces - Reflection
Here's my rockstar in a moment of reflection. I thought about editing out the studio junk in the background, but I think it feels more "behind the scenes" by leaving it in.
Go to I ♥ Faces to see more "Reflections"!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Mini-Blogoversary Winners..
AND my favorite thing to have with cookies is MILK, until I learned how good a nice Gewürztraminer-Reisling wine is with them... mmm wine....

SO, if you didn't get a chance to enter, you still have time to get in on the Custom Photo Pendant giveaway. Click HERE to read and enter. And don't forget to check out these:
Saturday, April 25, 2009
It's my Blogoversary - and the gift is for you!!
When was my fourth child born?
It's here, somewhere!
THEN just e-mail me the answer (find my e-mail, don't comment the answer!) AND please do comment here as to what your favorite thing to drink with cookies is!!
Easy, right?
In return I'll send you THIS:

REALLY! That's all you have to do! You have until 4/26 at 8:00 am CDT!!! So start digging!!
Want the chance to win a Custom Photo Pendant, too?? ENTER HERE until 5/1!
Saturday Social - 8 Things Tag!
8 Things I am looking forward to:
1. Warm weather
2. Visiting my parents in WA
3. Visiting my crazy relatives in WI
4. The baby sleeping through the night
5. MD in full day kindergarden
6. My husband returning from duty w/ National Gaurd
8 Things I did yesterday:
(maybe this should be did NOT do, I have a whole list of those..)
1. Made muffins for kids' breakfast (yay mom!)
2. Got my monthly visitor for the first time in 16 months.. ooh sorry, TMI!!!
3. Danced the baby to sleep at nap time
4. Walked all the kids to school to pick up Aria and let them play in the park
5. Laundry
6. Supper
7. Blog
8. Photos
8 Things I wish I could do:
1. Cure sick kids...
2. Win the lottery
3. Lose that baby weight (I'm sticking with blaming it on babies!)
4. Remember to send birthday cards on time
5. Cook better, and like doing it
6. Plumbing and Electrical
7. Drink all the regular Coke I wanted without consequence
8. Comment on all the blogs I follow every single day!!
8 Shows I watch:
1. House
2. Lie to Me
3. Always Sunny In Philidelphia
4. Grey's Anatomy
5. The Office
6. I will miss Boston Legal!
7. Medium
8. 30 Rock
8 People I'm Tagging: Anyone out there who wants to play. Hey, no pressure!! It's just fun to get to know you all!! Enjoy!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Friday Fragments
Friday Fragments, all the stuff too good not to post, too little for it's own post. So I managed to cram it all in today instead. Thank to Mrs. 4444 at Half Past Kissin Time, where there are more Fragments to be enjoyed!
↑ PM finds me in my room, "I give more cereal!!!" I find this. She's so helpful!
I was a bit of a photo junkie this week. Took tons of pictures. Let MD take some. Then MD dropped my camera on carpet, but still managed to damage my lens. Fortunately we have two of the same one. Still...grr...
Cleaned out the van. Removed one full bag of garbage from the back 2 rows of seats. Threw most of the stray french fries on the ground because I knew the critters would take care of them. The neighborhood cat promptly came over to help out.
It was 80 degrees or better yesterday. Hot. Nice. was barely 40 degrees. Well, summer's over folks! Hope you enjoyed it!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
A Thousand Words Thursday - The Princess and the Rockstar
We all have those shots worth a thousand words, now is your chance to share Cheaper Than Therapy!!
Yep, there's my girls.
I have to mention that the Princess is wearing a crown made by Melanie at Better Than Normal (oh, and she's hosting a giveaway until April 30!). We won it at Keri's CP Awareness Sweepstakes on her blog Life of Logan!! Please check out both!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Wordless Wednesday - Warmer Weather
Three Weeks Ago...
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Orange For Stellan

Totally Talented Tuesday - P.O.V.
This Totally Talented Tuesday will be the last as Dee at Two of A Kind, Working on a Full House has decided to put it into retirement! Please drop by her site and let he know how much we've appreciated Tuesdays full of Talent!!
Today I wanted to share 5-year-old MD's photos. He decided to get a few shots of the yard now that the snow is gone.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Blogoversary Giveaway!
Here it is, the week of my "Blogoversary"! You can read my very first post HERE. I started this blog to journal about my kids & family. It's been a great way to meet new people, some who are going through similar experiences, some who already have, and some who soon will. I've cried and laughed reading stories from around the world, and close to home. My heart is full. Being a mostly-SAHM this year has really not seemed too secluded when I get to know all of you.
I was moved to help out one new friend in particular. I found a way to do something special...
I made a special pendant just for Cole, a beautiful little boy who has cerebral palsy. You can go to Cole's blog and read all about him HERE. I've gotten to know his mom and we admittedly chat more often lately than I've been able to with my own husband (who is on duty with the national guard). She has really helped me keep my sanity!! When you purchase COLE's pendant from my shop, $4 goes to his Special Care School fund! He & his family need our help to keep him there where SO much good is being done! Any family with a disabled child knows that it can be difficult sometimes to finance all the special care and equiment they need. This is a way we can all help AND get a totally cute pendant too! As a bonus, if you ask me I will, at no extra charge, personalize the pendant with YOUR CHILD's name!
I will be offering this pendant TO YOU with YOUR choice of photo AND A CHAIN! The contest ends 11:59 PM CDT on May 1, 2009.
Leave each entry in it's own comment to be counted accurately!
First, please visit my ETSY SHOP HERE ( and tell me one OTHER pendant you really like. :) This must be your first entry.
Extra Entries:
Follow me on my blog and leave a comment letting me know you have. If you already follow me, leave a comment saying so!Follow me on Twitter AND Tweet this giveaway. Make sure you do both, then leave a comment with the link to the tweet.You may tweet once a day during the giveaway for one exra entry. Don't forget to comment!
Grab my button and display it on your site! Leave a comment to let me know where to find it!
For TWO extra entries, add the Cole's Pendants button to your sidebar and leave a comment x2 telling me where to find it.
For THREE extra entries, link this giveaway in a post on YOUR blog! Leave a comment x3 with a link to the post you've created.
For THREE extra entries, purchase something from my shop, leave me a comment x3 (this is for your entire purchase, not each item purchased!!).
For FIVE extra entries purchase a COLE or CAROLINE tile from my shop, leave a comment x5 (this is for your entire purchase, not each item purchased!!).
Good luck and thanks for playing!!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Translate - Re-Translate FAIL
These lovely, chewy jewelry pieces are a brilliant solution for moms on the go. There’s nothing to pack, since you just wear whatever pretty necklace or bracelet happens to match your wardrobe (and let me tell you, people are shocked when they find out these pieces are for chewing – they look like elegant stone pendants) and you’re all set.
These lovely, chewy pin pieces are a brilliant infusion for moms on the go. there’s nothing to pack, since they just wear whatever pretty strand or bracelet happens to safety match he clothes closet (and let me tell you, business are shocked when you find out these pieces are for chewing – they spark like elegant stone pendants) and you’re all pair.
There’s a necklace or bracelet style to appeal to every mom. Find yours and enjoy the peace. You can thank me later.
– Stephanie
there’s a string or bracelet drape to adjuration to every mom. find yours and enjoy the peace. they can recognize me later.
– stephanie
OH, and the BEST PART:

Spelling shows off her Smart Mom necklace
Tori misspelling shows off her smart mom collar
Friday, April 17, 2009
Fragment Friday - Visits and stuff
Fragment Friday - all the stuff too good not to mention. See lots of other fragments at Half Past Kissin' Time!
- My cousin brought her kiddos over on their way back to Wisconsin. These are all the current "great-grands", and they're all ours. We have tons of cousins, older and younger, but so far she and I are the only two providing Grandma with any greats! The funny thing is some of our cousins are younger than our own kids. We had a good time and I wish they could have stayed a few days instead of a few hours. Maybe this summer....
- I made lentil stew and it was super yummy. Well, if you ask me it was. Don't ask the kids.
- My house is still a mess, what else is new.
- I have made good on my threats - before Daddy gets back PM will be potty trained and JC will have teeth. PM has only worn 2 diapers (night time) in the last 2 days and I have not cleaned up one accident. Let me rephrase that, I had not NEEDED to clean up any accidents. Poop included.
- MDx's school has been closed for the last several days due to the town being nearly underwater. I truly hope they get up and running again soon. MAN can 5-year-olds TALK!! I remember being concerned that he wasn't.....
- I like booking weddings for the summer. So far I have only two, but I tend to get a few last-minute ones as well.
- I am this close <------> (see?!) to buying my first stash of cloth diapers. Any input from you cloth mommys would be appreciated :)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Thousand Word Thursday - Ignore the kitchen
Show off your photos worth a thousand words. Go to Cheaper Than Therapy to see more!
My sweet baby boy. Please disregard the cupboards hanging open and the breakfast stuff still on the counter. I was enjoying the kids instead. It reminds me of a poem MckMama posted a while back. In light of all the sad circumstances lately in the blogosphere, I hope you, too, are ignoring the dishes once in a while and soaking up the baby goodness!
Hope for PM
I wanted to post this, and say THANKS to Molly for giving me a little encouragement that PM truly can do it all. I hope that PM will have Molly's spirit, actually I know she will.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
My Kids are Stinkin Hilarious - Totally Talented Tuesday
My kids give me a good laugh. I nearly wet myself Saturday. I said nearly. We went to Pizza Hut to cash in on our free personal pizza inventory (Yay BookIt!!). After AM was done, she went to scope out the quarter-crap-machines by the door as the rest of us finished our lunch. She comes back with a plastic egg and tosses it to MD.
"I had to spend three quarters for this. It's a MOOstache for MD." I help them open it to discover a teardrop shaped piece of plush with a sticky back. What a racket, three quarters for THIS?? I help him apply it to his chin, telling him is was a "soul patch". It actually looked pretty good, and matched (sorta) his hair color. As I clean up the table, I overhear the two talking. AM is instructing him on the care of his MOOstache.
"It's made from a cow, so it's a MOOstache."
"And you have to keep your food off of it" she brushes some crumbs away. With her hands still on his shoulders she looks him in the eye, "And, MD, when you swim you have to keep it dry, so you have to swim like this..." she doggy paddles furiously and sticks her chin way in the air to keep it out of the water. She has several other tips for him, but I can't really hear anymore with all my snickering and snorting.
I am dying! She is so absolutely serious about the maintenance of his MOOstache (and she keeps saying MOOstache) I am in tears. It was SO worth the seventy five cents.
Have some talent in the family? Do your kids make you laugh? Go to Two of a Kind, Working on a Full House and share!!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
A Thousand Words Thursday - Checklist
Winter hat - check
Big Girl underpants - check
Map drawn on belly - check
Dora backpack - check
Shirt in washer - check
Pants, too big - gone
I'm ready for pizza.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Totally Talented - Etsy is here!
FINALLY I've set up shop at Etsy and put a few items in. I have more to list and if you want something specific, please feel free to contact me! SO I feel I'm entitled to this week's Totally Talented Tuesday nomination!!
Also Cole's and Caroline's fundraiser pendants are available!! I don't have my chains for the pendants available yet (they're on their way!) but soon! Come check it out! Click the header below...
Friday, April 3, 2009
Friday Fragments
- My husband has been gone for a week now with the National Guard in Fargo doing the flood fight. I think I've spoken with him 3 times. He says he may be able to come home as early as Sunday...let's hope! By the time he gets home: the 2-year-old will be potty trained, the baby will have sprouted his first 2 teeth!
- JC's bottom teeth are threatening to break through any day. In the mean time he chomps furiously on anything he can get near his mouth!
- I plan on travelling to a funeral tomorrow for a good friend tomorrow. Keep us in your thoughts as I'm not sure all the roads are very clear. I heard one area I need to use was upgraded from closed to single lane open (with water on each side!)
- Although the circumstances are not ideal, I am looking forward to spending time with my BFF as we travel to the funeral. I miss her!
- Please continue to pray for Stellan and his family!!
- I REEEAALLLY like cottage-style bacon, our neighbor dropped off a big package of it for us!! Guess what we had for dinner last night....
- Sewing like crazy - Etsy is almost ready. I made some super cute children's apron/chef hat sets! I just want to have something ready to go!! The Scrabble Tile Pendants are SO cute, I can't wait for everyone to see them!!! Ok, here's a peek..
^ One of my fave's! But they aren't all for me...
^ This one will be sold to benefit our friend Cole's Special Care School fund.
^ This one will be sold in honor of Caroline Vetter and procedes will go to Make-A-Wish, a foundation that was so good to her family!