Monday, December 29, 2008
Prayer Request...
Thursday, December 25, 2008
A Thousand Word Thursday - Christmas
Merry Christmas to you all! Today we celebrate the birth of our Lord and all the love He gave us. In the spirit of the holiday, I wanted to share this photo, it kind of brings tears to my eyes because it's so darn cute. Here's the background. We spent Christmas Eve at my SIL's home. Her 3 kids are in their beginning teens and when she suggested they all sit together and she could read "Twas the night before Christmas" they laughed. Auntie T finally got her chance when our family and my other SIL's family came with our much younger brood. Auntie T was tickled to read to SOMEONE who would appreciate a good book. They all sat and listened and loved it!

If you would like to see more photos worth a Thousand Words, visit Cheaper Than Therapy.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Not Me Monday - #1
I DID NOT join Twitter this weekend to further chain myself to the internet. I mean, I have friends other than e-friends, right?
I DID NOT get to spend several hours with the in-laws, and get a few B-day gifts!
I DID NOT surf the Best Buy parking lot on Sunday before thinking I could wait to get Pink's new album (I DID NOT just call it an album - old much?). WAAAYY too many last minute shoppers to haul four kids into the store for one purchase. And I DID NOT just contemplate herding four kids into Best Buy in -20 degree weather to buy a Pink album.
I DID NOT accidentally come across what my DH is giving me for Christmas.....
I also DID NOT have to e-mail a friend to ask for her twin sister's last name and husband's name just so I could send her a Christmas card when I should darn well know that info!!
Finally, I DID NOT give up my tree decorating rights just to let the kids have a good time, no matter how much I wanted to spread out the cluster of ornaments 3 feet or lower (the top 3 feet are bare - and I DID NOT leave it that way).

(And I DID NOT let PM decorate JC instead of the tree)
Friday, December 19, 2008
Fragment Friday - Hmm Hm Hmm Hmm to me!
Fragment Friday - all the stuff too small for it's own post, too good to throw away!
You can see many more fragments at Half Past Kissin' Time!
"Happy Birthday to me, I'm one hundred and three,
I still go to pre-school, AANNND I miss my mommy"
"My mommy's at work, she married a jerk " (not really - it's just the song, mom!)
"She hired a monkey to do my homework!"
I learned that from a bunch of 1st graders last month. Appropriate for today I thought, since I'm 29 (for the fourth time) today!
I was actually giddy that we found AM's iPod this week. It ended up being in a spare backpack since the end of August. Santa was actually preparing to buy her a new one. The Easter bunny was quite disappointed, though, that the last one had not even made it a full year. Whew!!
When JC spits up, PM says "uh-oh DRIP!!" and gets freaked out
MD has been walking around the house lifting two 3lb hand weights with his shirt off. He'll pause every now and then to tuck his feet under the couch and do some crunches. He says he wants to get really strong and have square bumps on his belly.

Thursday, December 18, 2008
A Thousand Words Thursday - Home
This photo was taken as my husband arrived at the airport after an 18 month deployment to Afghanistan. He is being greeted by a very good friend (that story is at least another thousand words) from another National Gaurd Unit that was not deployed. The photo really does say it all.....
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wordless Wednesday - Thematic Photographic
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Totally Talented Tuesday
Thanks to Dee at Two of a kind, working on a full house we bring you Totally Talented Tuesday! I have 2 nominations for Totally Talented Tuesday ~ The first is my just-turned-five-year-old for his fantastic skills at building all things Lego. Here is his most recent Lego creation, a robot. It moves his head, arms, and 3 legs and can curl up into a ball (he demonstrated). I am so in love with Legos, they are truly a "smart" toy!
Second, I have my 3 oldest for their wonderful cookie decorating skills. Even though the recipe for icing I used was totally runny, they made the best of it and decorated a pile of sugar cookies. The kids helped make the cookies the day before and couldn't wait to frost them!!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Mission: Monday
Prize giveaways and more - just visit Dirty Socks & Pizza or Halftime Lessons for the rules and accept your mission!
In case anyone is interested - it is currently -11° F with a wind chill of -35° F. It's no longer snowing, but the total was 9½ inches!! School has been called off and they just re-opened Interstates 29 & 94 this morning. I haven't gone outside yet, but if I want my mail, I'd better shovel the walk so she can get to the door. SO glad I don't have to drive anywhere!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
x x Santa wuz here x x

Its a photo of the photo, but you can see the quality I'm having issues with. I'd sure like to know how to get that gig. The guy had all the tools, even a light meter, but seems to have no settings on his $2000 camera but "auto". The flash he set up was too direct and should have been diffused. To top it off, they print on the spot with a high quality (but still desktop) desktop inkjet photo printer. I did another organization's Santa photos last year (filled in for a colleague) and no one complained about having photos mailed to them. I understand the need to have them now, but as a client would forgo STAT photos at the sacrifice of quality. Maybe that's just the photographer in me talking.

Friday, December 12, 2008
Friday Fragments
PM, 2, seems to have a saying of the week. It's recently been "what goin on!?" shouted by her dolls when they talk to each other. Is this her idea of how adults carry conversation?
MD ran out of Pull-Ups last night so I was forced to let him sleep without. I woke him at midnight and carried him to the bathroom, he went. He was dry in the morning. Is this all the effort I need - are Pull-Ups a crutch?
I need to post some photos of MD at gymnastics.
AM came home with a note about Girl Scouts starting. As far as I know there hasn't been a troop in town for some time. I'm actually very excited about this. I was toying with the idea of calling and trying to get something started here. I'm glad someone did!
Stupid Kinesio Tape left a rash again on PM. I'm officially done with the stuff, sadly. I was really happy with what it was doing for her. I wonder if there are alternatives.
It's almost 5 am and I'm up. Jackson is back to bed, so must I be.
Good Night!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
A Thousand Words Thursday
This is my first Thousand Words Thursday. It is a chance to put up one of the many many photos stored here on my computer, one that is worth a thousand words. I'm digging in the archives today, but in the future will try to have a recent photo to post. This idea comes from Jen at Cheaper Than Therapy. So here it is...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Wishes for the new year...
1. to slow down and not always wish the kids were older, they will be all too soon
2. to be funnier (I'm just not witty - that's hubby)
3. to excercise my brain more often - read, toss the calculator, do number puzzles, learn new vocab and use it (will this help with #2?)
4. loose an appropriate amount of weight, or just feel better about the size I am (ha!)
5. read longer books to my kids (AM loved Pippi Longstocking)
6. dress up for my husband (as it turns out, pajama pants are not so cute every day of the week)
there we's a start. Any suggestions?

I finally caught him smiling. JC Chunky-Boy Fraase almost 3 mos
Monday, December 8, 2008
I'm It....
The rules are to list 6 things that make me happy:
1. Food made especially for me because they know I'll like it (my husband does this!)
2. Listening to my kids talk to each other when they are getting along and think I can't hear them
3. Talking to my husband about anything, because it so rarely happens without numerous interruptions
4. My baby looking up and smiling at me while they're nursing
5. Talking to my best friend for hours
6. Having a drink with my husband and/or my rowdy family members (aka the "loud" family)
I'd like to tag:
Jen at Life Is Chaos, Give Me More
Now I'd better get back to work, taking care of other people's newborns. Can that be a favorite, too?
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Constraint Therapy, Kinesio Tape, and AFO's

She will also be due for new AFO's before spring as well. Her little toes are peeking over the edge of the plastic and I was told to look for spots on her leg that may indicate they no longer fit. PM got the first set of AFO's in April, so it would be pretty good if she makes it a full year before upgrading. It will be several years before she will be out of AFO's. Her biggest hurdle is that her right knee still hyperextends any time the AFO is not on. She needs to build up strength and train the leg not to snap right back into that position. That will take time. Eventually the high AFO she has now will get shorter and shorter until she no longer needs them. In the mean time I was given several pairs of shoe specifically designed for use with an AFO. They belonged to my friend's sweet girl Caroline. The problem with regular shoes is that they are not nearly wide enough and you end up buying regular shoes several sizes larger than the foot...can you see PM tripping around in AM's shoes? Big shoes kind of defeat the effort of helping them walk better.
On the lighter side: MD went to Santa's Village with his preschool. I asked him who he saw there..
MD: (flatly) Santa.
Mom: Who else? (they each got a children's book signed by the author)
MD: (more animated) Mrs. Claus! (turns to AM) She's like a girl Santa!

Monday, December 1, 2008
Busy Busy

My sweetie pie cousin
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thanksgiving coma
Anyway, Thursday was nice, and as unplanned as ever. We survived the in-laws nicely, after a quick go-round and accusations of guilt tripping, dinner was wonderful. JC was nice enough to sleep through the entire dinner and I ate hot food for the first time in a while.
My largest disappointment was by far the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Well, not so much the parade as the coverage of it. I was excited to let the kids watch it this year because they would actually take an interest in the floats and balloons and bands. I was SO frustrated at these announcers who wouldn't SHUT UP long enough to focus on the parade as we watch numerous interesting pieces drift by behind them!!! WHO THE HECK CARES what the chick from Guiding Light makes for dinner???!?!? Shut your yappers and get back to the parade!! Between the crappy unfunny announcers and the stupid off-street musical acts, there were about 3 floats shown in one hour. The most interesting things were the comments about the history of the parade that popped up right before each commercial break. Had I known another station was also airing the parade, I would have changed it. Alas, we needed to leave to the in-laws. After that it was all football. Maybe next year, in the mean time pass the turkey leftovers!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
New look (again)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
As the weeks go by
MD started gymnastics last week. He loves it, he doesn't stop moving the entire session. He said his favorite part is hanging from the bars. AM wasn't too happy having to sit on the side and watch. She really wants to participate, too. I may have to give in and let her join as well, although I think she'd be better at Tae Kwon Do. I want to find a gym she and I can join TKD together. I miss martial arts and would like to get back into it. I loved competing, too. I think AM would really enjoy it.
There's not much else going on this week. MD has all of the last week of November off for Thanksgiving from pre-school, AM only has Thursday and Friday. We start cleaning I guess. We're hoping to have Daddy's parents here for food Thursday. Maybe if I can't get the house scrubbed by then we can talk them into a buffet :)
Monday, November 17, 2008
It's my wonderful Husband's birthday today. Happy b-day, hon, even though you said its no longer yours. It's MD's birthday today, too. Legos are the coolest gift this year. Instead of cookies or cake, we sent him to school with Batman fruit roll-ups. Happy 5th Birthday, Buddy!!
MD's Lego penguin.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Binkies and Birthmarks
Tonight I tried the Playtex version of the Binky with the flat top ("most like mothers' breast" - huh? also, it appears to be ribbed for his pleasure). He will grudgingly accept it. He actually whines and sucks at the same time as if to let me know he'll take it for now, but he's not fooled. Mmmm-mm0mmm-gwaa-mmm-mmumm-gwaa-mum-mmmgwaa!

I've also been keeping tabs on his little birthmark. It has become more red and defined, but it is still not raised. I had one on the side of my nose, it took years, but did disappear. JC's cousin has a larger hemangioma that is raised. She's now almost 7 and I guess its slowly going away. I understand they can run in families. I'm not too concerned, its in an easy-to-conceal spot, and he's a boy.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
To My Husband on Veteran's Day
Homecoming Day 2007
Monday, November 10, 2008
zOMG....what will not be on my kids' Christmas list
I was truly stunned by these toys. My mouth hung open *gasp*. Is this what we have come to?? Slutty dogs for kids to play with? Yes, please, lets dress innocent dogs up like ho-bags. Really? I thought the Bratz dolls were bad enough. I have fortunately missed this boat as Aria wants nothing to do with dolls or Barbies, never has. Dinosaurs, dragons and legos are way cooler.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Why do Sundays drive me insane??
They look pretty benign, right?
As for Sundays. Grrr... I have a job at church. I run a computer in the back that displays slideshow style lyrics for hymns and stuff during the service. This post has recently fallen entirely into my lap as my friend who worked it with me has decided to leave the church. With no trainees I can't be late or miss a service. This morning I was late. Well, not actually late, but close enough to not allow for things to go wrong, which they did. As I displayed lyrics to songs full of misspelled words (ugh! how embarrassing when everyone knows its me back there alone, no one to blame) my 3 biggest kids are tipping crap over behind me and whispering to me as loudly as they can. The pastor even made a comment about the disturbances, although I'm not entirely sure it was aimed at me and the kids or at all the people who ignored us and should have helped me out. I can't run this show by myself and wrangle 3 kids at the same time. My husband works nights and hasn't been to church in ages...just me and the kids. I could feel my face burning with embarrassment as I displayed poorly spelled words and tried to pretend the computer was slow when I didn't change the slides on time..... I am so crabby by noon its all I can do to load the kids in the van and go home without leaving them along the roadside. I had a beer when I got home. It's noon, right?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Stinky Baby

It turns out JC is still a crappy breastfeeder. I have never bottle fed a breastfed baby so much. It's all breast milk, mind you. Perhaps I am just making it worse, but the kid will not starve under my watch! I stuck it out the first week, nursing him around the clock, barely sleeping. He never acted satisfied and it seemed my milk took longer than usual to come in. In reality, I think he just doesn't have a good enough suck, and he's lazy. I can STILL let him nurse for 1-2 hours, then pump 4-6 ounces and bottle feed. I'm a big ol' pacifier!! I've been offering him the breast every day, but he's still not getting it out. I am sure his latch, positioning, tongue are all correct. I've breastfed 3 others, I help new moms at work all the time. I'm stumped. In the mean time, the bottle arrangement seems to work. My Medela Pump in Style is worth its weight in sheets, that I can sleep on due to a well fed baby.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Halloween and beyond..

It was P.M.'s first time out and about. She did well and caught on faster than M,D., who still is more interested in checking out the carved pumpkins and Halloween decor than actually knocking on doors for free candy. We went with another family with whom A.M. has a best friend. The big kids were usually a block and a half ahead of us, while M.D., P.M. and I brought up the rear, occasionally skipping houses to keep up. Another thing....who lets the kids pick from the bowl??? Speed it up and hand it out!! M.D. takes ten minutes deciding which morsel of chocolate is best to his liking at each stop. Usually he takes something, then changes his mind and ALSO takes the other thing. Sneaky. Maybe this is intentional...

On another note:
Sunday.....heard from the back seat of the car screamed quietly in mock fear from a plastic robot:"Ahhh, we're going to crash into the Bowflex store and the pumpkins are attacking the tomatoes and I'm sick of this Imperial March song!!!!" some day I will write a book of all I hear from the driver's seat.
On one more note:
I voted. I am unhappy with the outcome. I will say I told you so later.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Helping A Friend

To all my friends and family, please join us in helping our friend Cole. His mom, Leanna, has opened an account for Cole through iGive. It costs you absolutely nothing to join and over 700 online vendors participate in donating to Cole's special needs school fund. I was amazed at the list of vendors I know I'll shop online at (even!!) especially with Christmas coming.
Go to Cole's site to learn more:
Monday, October 27, 2008
Okay - one more!

I have this travel mug with 3 kids on it. I've been having fun in the studio, now I need to order a new mug!

Friday, October 24, 2008
I had to share...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
CIT: Week Four!!

We went to the corn maze this week. For those of you that have never seen one, it is an entire field devoted to a GPS made maze. You can only see the entire picture from above: