No, not king of the wild things today. Max won our little town’s Lil’ Miss and Lil’ Mr. Sunflower Pageant. This was the first year he was eligible. Aria was in it last year as well. It’s a fun little pageant, and the best part is that it’s actually all based on luck of the draw. Each child is announced and brought up on stage. They are asked a few questions (what grade are you in? what’s your favorite animal? if you could have a super power, what would it be?) All of the names are put in a bucket and the winner is drawn randomly. I love this format. This is the only kind of pageant my kids will ever be in. There is no need to have an expensive dress or have the perfect answer to the question. The winners get to ride in the parade on Saturday. The cool part is that the parade goes right past our house, we all hang out on the lawn (and catch candy!). This whole week is the town’s annual celebration. There will be things like a petting zoo, street dances, a fair, city wide garage sales, and of course the parade. More photos to come!! (I’m uploading a video, but it will be a while… You can see Max’s Mario-esque kick when he comes up to claim his crown)
I was really proud of Aria for being such a great sport. She was genuinely excited for her friend and her brother to win. On the video you can see her surprise and delight. It’s really cute. Both Daddy and I told her how proud we were of her for being so mature. It was a good night for both kids!
MC: Hi, Max. What grade are you in?
Max: First.
MC: What is your favorite food?
Max: Ravioli (crowd laughs)
MC: What is your favorite TV show?
Max: Mario……it’s on Netflix. (crowd laughs more)
MC: Hi, Aria. What grade are you in?
Aria: Third.
MC: What is your favorite color?
Aria: Blue.
MC: What do you want to do when you grown up?
Aria: A musher and an archaeologist. (crowd oohs and aahs)
MC: Oh, my! You have a great sense of your expectations.
Oh, and don’t look at me….Max dressed himself.