From Half Past Kissin Time, Friday Fragments. All the little stuff too small to make it's own post, but too good to discard.
I have been praying constantly this week. So for my fragments this week I want to share some prayer requests with you...
First, you all must know Stellan by now. I pick up my little JC and think of Stellan every time, they are the same age and yesterday when I was on MckMama's site my MD thought the photo of Stellan I was looking at was JC. My heart is aching for any mother that has to sit by their child's side and only hope that the good Lord will heal them. Please pray for Stellan and his family.

Stellan's name gallery.
I got a call from my BFF last night. When we were in 6-11th grades we babysat tag-team style for a family ever day after school. We were basically nannies. The kids were "our" kids. That family was truly our second family and we spent many summers with them as well. The mom, Ruth, got breast cancer about 7 years ago. She fought and won...at least until the last year. Cancer appeared everywhere in her body. She still lived with such courage, love, and devotion to God. My friend called to let me know that she was in Pallative care. They're keeping her "comfortable". The kids have come home. Of their 3 kids, the youngest is 17. Last night the hospital was evacuated due to rising flood waters and she was placed in another hospital. Please pray for Ruth and her family.
My other girlfriend's 1 year old is sporadically turning blue. Yes, blue. I saw the video. And the doctors wanted her to wait until mid-April for a new pediatric cardiologist's appointment. We all encouraged her to demand that they at least do an ECHO to let her know that her heart is OK, or not. The baby is turning blue!! She has an appointment this week. Please pray for E. and baby D.
My husband has been activated with the National Guard in Fargo to work on the dikes and help with flood evactuations. He left this afternoon. Chances are we won't see him until possibly Sunday for a short time. They'll keep him on orders most likely until the water recedes and the temporary dikes are cleaned up. Please pray for the National Guard and all the families bracing for the flood.
That has all been on my heart this week.
On MD's mind:
He's holding a film camera (with no film) and trying to snap a photo. "Say cheese!" he says. He clicks the button then stares at the back of the camera. "Where's the picture?"he asks. Dad says "It needs film, you can't see them yet." Max looks puzzled "What's a film?"