Fess up! It's "Not Me!" Monday! See what others did NOT do at My Charming Kids.I once again am NOT writing from work. I don't do that. EVER. Not me!
I DID NOT give my sick baby to lovely and motherly babysitters from church while I worked at the hospital with everyone else's sick babies. I'm a stay at home mom...and I DID NOT just admit that!
I DID NOT feel bad that I am not the one comforting my son while he is sick. I WOULD NOT be making him drink from a bottle all weekend when all he wants is more mommy time.
I also DID NOT have to take Jc in to see the Dr. to find out he has one ear infection and the beginning of pneumonia after assuring my husband he's fine. Definitely Not me!
I DID NOT let the Dr. give Jc an injection of antibiotics rather than the oral stuff so it can work faster and keep us OUT of the hospital. Poor baby, I'm too nice, it was NOT ME!
I DID NOT feel a teeny bit jealous that Hubby took the big 3 kids to dinner and a movie while I slept after the previous work night. Just because WE never get dinner and a movie anymore doesn't mean I shouldn't be happy they get to do it! NOT ME!
I DID NOT give in and buy MD his own box of Golden Oreos, then help him eat them all in one afternoon. SO not me!!
I once again DID NOT ignore my housework just to catch up on blogs. Not me! Um, and it was really NOT ME who moved stuff and stacked boxes differently downstairs just so PM's occupational therapist wouldn't think I hadn't done ANYTHING in that front room since last week when she came. NOT MEEEE!