The march is something my husband has been working on for a few months now, and I wanted to share what this is about. From his Facebook page:
“Four years ago today, my friend Corporal Nathan Goodiron was killed in Afghanistan. In honor of Nathan, next summer I will march across the state of North Dakota. I will march 20-36 miles per day and it will take me two weeks. Nick Harr has volunteered to march the entire distance, but anyone who would like to participate, in whole or in part, is welcome to come along.”

Nate’s parents, friends and family are in full support of the march. He has mapped out a route and has planned to march June 17 – July 3, 2011. I plan on setting up camp with the kids each night and preparing food ahead of the marchers so they can stop with us along the way. Steve’s been organizing and planning this event, so the kids hear about it often. Today, as I was going through Aria’s school papers, I found this.

You can learn more about the march by friending March to Mandaree on Facebook.
The event page is here: March to Mandaree event
I’ll eventually help him get a blog up and running as he gets closer to the date.