Here we are again. I've been working a lot this holiday, so now I'm trying to get back on track. Fragment Friday is a chance to post all the stuff too small to stand alone, too good not to mention. You can see more Fragments here at Half Past Kissing Time.
~ I am finally home long enough to start cleaning up the Christmas Carnage. Bags of stray wrapping paper, boxes of boxes, tape stuck to odd things (couches, lamps, my socks) have taken over.
~PM got several princess dresses this season. My mom and grandma each sent one she actually did not have. I have no idea where Grandma found the one she sent. My BFF gave PM accessories that happen to match, so we are princessed to the max!!

~The tree is down. It takes up too much room. Also, despite what you may have been told, fake trees loose needles. Big time. Only they don't hurt to step on.
~Hubby is gone until next Sunday with National Guards for annual training. I have to jump back into single mom mode. Not my favorite, but I manage. I really miss my husband, even when he's home we need more time together.
~I am guilty of feeding formula to my exclusively breastfed baby. I forgot all my pumped milk before work. Bought some pre-mixed organic-tummy-trouble-free Similac. It appears I have done no permanent damage. I should really relax.
~AM was super helpful this week. She did a lot of running and grabbing, minding her sister, and just listening. Awesome!
~MD got more Legos for Christmas. He can take the package, follow the directions, and build these intricate creations just like on the package. I know adults that have trouble doing those!
~Jen at Cheaper Than Therapy twittered this blog about pro cake disasters - it's HILARIOUS!! That led me to The "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks. Go see them for a good laugh!!
~Sweet little MckMuffin is home!! Thanks to all who sent some needed prayer his way!
Oh my gosh... I love those sites!! thanks!
Mel, your pics are so beautiful. What a treasure you have in your family. I'm happy for you, too, that you have a loving marriage and miss your hubby when he's gone :) Absence does make the heart grow fonder, and bravo to you for not whining about being a single mom. Thanks for YOUR sacrifice! :)
P.S. BTW, if you go to your comment settings and click on Open in a New Window, commenters can still see the post when we comment :)
You are a brave woman to travel with 4 kids! I have a hard enough time traveling alone with 1! Happy Friday to you!
Shame on you...formula ( will be fine).
Beautiful princess!
The sites cracked me up...not sure I would want to eat some of the cakes. ;)
I'm so glad MckMuffin is home!
I like your new button!
You are right...the fake trees do shed needles. I am still finding them around the house and my tree has been down for about a week.
Happy New Year!
Love these tidbits!
Piper IS a beautiful princess! Beginning to wonder why I never played dress up when I was a kid. I mean, check out the accessories!
Just got our fake tree down today. You are so right about the needles. They are everywhere!
Sorry to hear your hubby is leaving. As irritated as I get with mine, I can't imagine him being gone for long periods of time.
Lastly, glad to hear MckMuffin is home. He's been in my prayers.
Great post! Oh, I dig your button and thanks for sharing Logan's! That's awesome.
Good luck this week with the kids, at least you won't have a Christmas tree to clean up after. :) And NO guilt, please, about the formula. Breastmilk's good, but formula's plenty good these days, too. Just a couple of times won't make one bit of difference, I can promise you.
my little girl has the same dress up dress ... grandma bought it for her from cracker barrell! hope that helps!
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