I have this travel mug with 3 kids on it. I've been having fun in the studio, now I need to order a new mug!

Us the day before P.M. was born...(I like my hair)
On to week three!! I've seen a ton of progress this week with P.M.! Take a look at these videos. I've noticed that the audio doesn't seem to match up with the time on other videos I've posted. I don't know if this is just my connection, a blogger thing, or something else. I may start linking to YouTube if this continues. Please let me know if you have the same issues :)
I am SO excited to post this video. Her skills are really improving and this is proof. P.M. wasn't even able to grasp a small cup much less turn it up like this to keep it from spilling. The OT would hold her wrist and assist any time she did this activity. P.M. can now do it herself!!! She does need help to place the cup in her hand, but I wonder if the cast comes off she would now do that herself as well.
This video was so cute, I wanted to include it. It is also good proof that the therapy is doing it's job. Look at the extension of those fingers. This was darn near impossible a few months ago!! We're very proud of P.M. and really happy with all the hard work!
The kids are total goofballs. We've tried to get outside as often as we can as the weather man is threatening snow in the near future!! Everybody still enjoys school...that is once they get there. Getting dressed and in the car every morning is such work. M.D. keeps asking if he can "hang out at home today". P.M. knows everyone is "ah cool" (at school), and in the evening if I ask where A.M. or M.D. are she usually tells me they're at school if she can't find them in the house. A.M. has a new discipline system at school that consists of Green, Yellow, and Red lights, each a level of how good they are. The come home with a calendar and a sticker on the day of how they did. We have to sign it each day. Every day but one A.M. has had a green sticker. A yellow showed up last Friday. She said she was giggling too much with a friend and got a warning. She prides herself in being a good and helpful girl and I LOVE IT! (PS "mom, 3 days 'til my birthday) A.M. also said that they are gaining ANOTHER kid in their class. Does this make 23? I believe that makes them larger than the Kindergarten class that they split into 2 sections. I wonder if her teacher feels overwhelmed. Of course I remember having 25+ in any class I was in. It's nice to be in a small town.
Everyone grit your teeth and say "CHEEESE"!!
NDSU's homecoming was this past weekend. Bison won with a fantastic 2nd half comeback. It was an awesome game, I only wish I could have gone. I watched it on TV. We did go to the homecoming parade. A.M. learned that if you're cute and yell "Go Bison!!" the people handing out candy will give you more! They felt sorry for P.M. and her "broken arm" and would go out of their way to come to the stroller to give her candy. Piper couldn't take it from them most of the time as she insisted on wearing the big foam #1 finger on her free hand. At the Bison Feed we ate bison burgers and lots of sides (yum!) and listened to the "Old Star Band" (ha ha!!) AKA the Alumni Band as well as the current Gold Star Marching Band. It was really cool, and really loud. P.M. got up and danced to all the songs. A.M. took video with the camera, but the sound was so loud its all distorted on the recording. She snapped a few pictures of the band as well. They are the largest they've been in many years, and they have new uniforms. Daddy and I were disappointed to see the last ones go, they were new when we were in the band, and Daddy played a large part in designing them. I guess we don't have to feel so bad about the one we still have in the closet downstairs (shhhh!).
M.D. got his face painted at the pep rally. I was hoping he would take A.M.'s cue and just get little stripes on his cheeks. Oh, no. The entire face. Green and yellow. His mouth was still green for church the next morning.
A.M.'s shot of the band in their new uniforms. A.M. has been super helpful at home. She even changed a diaper this week!! She has been helping out with P.M. and J.C. even when I don't ask. ALSO...she scatters in reminders..."X days until my birthday!" Ah - ha! Today is 8 days until her birthday. I guess I'd better get planning!!
This is a taste of what we can do on week one. I will put together a larger video at the end of CIT to see her progress. We are excited to see what her final results will be!!